A few weeks ago was the 5 Days Off festival in Amsterdam, an electronic music and art festival. Some friends were playing, so of course I had to check it out.
Thursday night’s line-up at Paradiso was the best. Kutmah, Hudson Mohawke and the Gaslamp Killer were supposed to play, along side of some good Dutch names, James Zoo and Krampfhaft. Unfortunately Hudson Mohawke had to cancel last minute, luckily the gap was filled by Lunice.
Kutmah’s set was awesome.
The Gaslamp Killer said multiple times that night that Kutmah is his favorite DJ.
Luckily for all of you who weren’t there you can find Kutmah’s set from 5 Days Off here: CLICK
And then there was the motherfucking Gaslamp Killer. I don’t know how it is everywhere else in the world, but here in Amsterdam they love this fucking guy. Luckily he loves Amsterdam too, so we see plenty of him.
Besides the main room my friends from Red Light Radio were broadcasting live from Paradiso’s basement which was good as always.
If you wanna get a somewhat more professional view on the night, the guys from Los Bangeles wrote a pretty nice review about it. Check it out here.
Sat, Mar 31 2012