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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

Anna & Latoya


Please meet Latoya and Anna from Amsterdam!

Latoya is a photographer and producer (check her awesome work here).
She met Anna, a stylist, taxidermist and performer about 4 years ago, proclaimed her “photographic muse for life”, has taken countless pictures of her since and they became close friends along the way…

They will be guest blogging for OBEY in the coming weeks while road trippin’ through the USA, sharing their adventures and pictures with us.
They had virtually no plans when they left Holland. Burning man and New York were the only two fixed destinations, other than that they basically have no idea what they are getting themselves into, but they will make sure they keep us posted on the way.

And so it begins…


We made it to Los Angeles! After 17 hours on the plane, 4 hours at customs and two hours at the car rental hell waiting for our new best friend the minivan, we are here! Hello ‘Murica!

We downed a huge can of some gross energy drink and drove from L.A. to San Francisco that same night, to pick up a friend and some water tanks.
The magical combination of energy drinks, loads of water and no stops eventually lead to our first small crime in the states.

We spend one night in Fairville to get some rest, and continued our road trip to Burning Man.
Man, we really tried to write down some of our experiences there but failed horribly. It is simply indescribable. Let’s just say we traveled its parallel universe on the sickest art cars and with the most beautiful and weirdest people.
We built a dome, baked banana pancakes for our camp in the rain (that’s right, that one time us Dutchies go to the desert it starts pissing from the sky)
We partied naked and cycled our mountain bikes for longer than our butts care to remember. Oh, and we dropped and killed our digital camera in the desert dust. So there is only little photographic evidence.


8 days later, after a total of about 9 hours sleep, 0 showers and a head full of unintentional dreadlocks we left Black Rock City behind in search of water and some soap.

When we arrived in Reno there was no vacancy anywhere so we parked our playa dust covered minivan next to a Jelly Doughnut and once again crawled up next to each other in the back of our car.
We woke up by the sounds of a group of bikers and decided that we had hereby successfully completed the all American experience of living in a car and that baby wipes just couldn’t cut it any more. We needed a real shower, so we continued our trip down south.
Did we mention we have no map or GPS? Well we just drove past Lake Tahoe (so-many-people-there) and ended up in beautiful Hope Valley where we found a 1972 airstream for rent next to a small (and turns out extremely cold) river.

Now we are in Lone Pine where we are recovering by the pool from a severe hangover (compliments of Jake’s Saloon).

We are planing to go to the mountains today and later hit the road again on our way to Death Valley. But for now it’s just us, this pool and one of our new favorite towns on planet earth.