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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

Brie Moreno and Joe Kessler (Breakdown Press) London Studio Visit

If you’re into underground comics you’ll already know about Joe Kessler (Breakdown Press) and ‘Booger Brie’ and if you don’t you SHOULD. I visited their studio in London and all my comic / book dreams came true. The couple really do have one of the best book collections I’ve ever seen (and i’ve seen a lot). They owned tons of Robert Crumb and Gary Panter comics some of which I’d never seen before I had such a fun time searching through it all. Joe showed me lots of stuff I’d never seen before, lots of books of old Japanese Illustrators. After searching through this endless pile of dream books it was time to check out their recent work.

I’ve loved Joe’s work for a long time, I have all his comics at home. It was really interesting to see how he draws up the layers of his work before the final print process. He pulled out a draw filled with drawing after drawing of detailed layers eventually made into one image and then a comic! I’m really into Joe’s drawing style he seems to be able to mash technical and expressive drawing together and make brilliant images.

It was exciting to see Brie’s work physically as I’ve only ever seen it online. Her drawing style is very naive but completely sophisticated. There’s something about her characters that make me feel really uneasy – probably because most of them don’t have pupils and lots of the animal characters look like if you decided to take acid while watching the Disney version of Robin Hood (in the best possible way). It was very interesting meeting these two, power couple!

To see more of Joe and Brie’s work visit….

thanks for having me guys!