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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料


SUBLIMINAL PROJECTS is pleased to present Covert to Overt, an exhibition documenting the endeavors of Shepard and his team, as seen through the eyes of photographer Jon Furlong. Furlong, based in California, has been working and traveling with Fairey for over a decade. For the first time ever, a selection of Furlong’s photos will be on view to the public, providing an intimate, behind-the-scenes window into the world of OBEY GIANT.

“Documenting Shepard Fairey and the OBEY GIANT crew is not something that is easily captured. This exhibition is my invitation to others to view a world they may otherwise never know or see.” – Jon Furlong, 2015

“Jon Furlong may seem low-key, but like a courageous war photographer, he is ferociously adept at capturing art action as well as the results of the action. Jon has been honing his skills on trips and missions with me and the OBEY crew for almost ten years, even picking up an X-acto knife or spray can when needed. There is no doubt that Jon has a naturally great eye for composition and light, but these OBEY photos are phenomenal because Jon’s complete immersion in the process makes him uniquely qualified to capture significant moments and angles. My new book achieves a new level of quality and intimacy in the documentation of my art process thanks to the photography of Jon Furlong.” – Shepard Fairey, 2015

The opening reception of Covert to Overt is Saturday, October 10 from 8 to 11 pm. The exhibition will close on Saturday, October 24th where Shepard will be signing copies of his new monograph “Covert To Overt,” published by Rizzoli and scheduled for release later this month. An RSVP is required for the reception to: For more information visit Subliminal Projects HERE.

Opening Reception: Saturday, October 10 · 1 – 5 pm
Exhibition Dates: October 10 – October 24, 2015

On Lift, 2015

Waiting in Heathrow, 2011

LL Cool J @ 50 Shades of Black Show (Los Angeles), 2014

Cope & Shepard (Copenhagen), 2011

Self Portrait (London), 2012

Chicago Lift, 2014

Haring Wall, 2010

Attention Mural, 2012

Chicago Mural, 2014

Detail, Fine Art, 2010

Risky Bis, 2011

Peace Tree Mural, 2014