Shepard Fairey’s latest show, DAMAGED, opened 11/11 in Downtown LA. Thousands converged upon the warehouse at 1650 Naud Street to view Shepard’s largest show to date, 18 months in the making. Featuring never-before-seen paintings, installations, sculptures, rare stencils and live printing provided by Aardvard Press, DAMAGED focused on themes of the current state of politics, human rights, the environmental crisis and more. It was a chance for viewers to not only see different sides of Shepard’s fine art but also get a comprehensive look at his evolution as an artist, including rare stencils and other nods to his early career.
The name for the show references Black Flag’s 1989 album by the same name. “Our approach to the environment is damaged, our political system is damaged, and our communication with each other. This show is not all about me being angry and apocalyptic; I’m trying to diagnose problems and move forward,” said Shepard about the show in an interview with the New York Times.
After enjoying the exhibit, we got rowdy to live performances by TRDMRK, The Fever 333, and The Shrine joined by Keith Morris.
DAMAGED is on view Wednesday – Sunday from 11 AM – 6 PM until 12/17/17
at 1650 Naud Street in Downtown, Los Angeles. No RSVP required.
For more information email the Library Street Collective at info@lscgallery.com.
And see limited edition DAMAGED heavyweight box tees we made for the show now on the site.
Shout out to the always incredible Jon Furlong for the pics from the night.


Fri, Nov 17 2017