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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料


Downtown Santa Ana’s first ever East End Block party last weekend went off without a hitch! It was great to see such a grand event happening in my own backyard- with the ghetto parrots squawking over our heads and the collaborative sounds of bands and DJ’s that all used to play at The Crosby(RIP), it was a disillusioned dream come true. For 8 hours the OBEY Radio stage kept the corner of 4th & Spurgeon alive, entertaining people as they day drank and perused the sidewalk vendors. Here are some photos to sum up the day.

Free The Robots aka urthworm aka creepstofer and also one of the many heads who organized this day. Also, a huge thanks to Jenn from Moon Block Party And Phil Nisco! This event would not exist without you.

Some say that he cremated some sweet potato fries and added the ashes to the ink of his tattoo..

Blends limited edition tees with a Bad Brains x SA water tower flip

“H O T A S F U C K,” was what most people were feeling.. but mostly what the dude in the right corner was thinking..

Ruscosaurus was the only smart one keeping cool in the shade

Down the street Zach Young’s mural brought the sacred geometry – healing chakra – Burning Man vibes

Right about then a shaman appeared out of thin air and added some magical garnish to my drink. Blassssttooffffff!

Fuck peace? Or (try)peace(you)fucks. The psilocybin wasn’t the only thing giving mixed messages

Painted rocks and up-cycled stash oyster shells to put your “stuff” in

Kev outside the 80’s Purple booth, never not hustling

The Hit + Run crew live silk-screening show shirts

So Super Sam & Them Jeans‘ tag team set on the OBEY Radio stage was just tooooo kyoooote

Congrats to the winner of the signed Suicidal Tendencies deck raffle through BTNC! If you’re reading this don’t sell it on eBay..

Soulection ended the block party to a busy intersection of twerkers and lurkers

The post millennium generation of the OBEY Posse was in full effect!

The after party continued at The North Left (Crosby 2.o) – I bearly made it.

Had to end the night with some comfort food.. nothing beats a chopped tree stump plate piled with dead animal parts and bbq sauce.