FALL 18 Look Book by Mescondi (Connor Cunningham)
The 23-year-old’s fashion editorials and eccentric photographs incorporate immense creativity, color, and wild use of simple props and scenery. Cunningham—known professionally as Mescondi— has a distinct talent for finding the color in Vancouver—no matter what time of year it is—and conjuring a unique, nostalgic world all his own.
“I wanted to make the pictures look like how I want the world to look. I want everything to be really bright and colorful and beautiful,” – Cunningham
Connor and his friends (Reece & Isla) started a creative agency called Crashland. A platform for models, interesting looks and not your typical high fashion models “The idea behind the name Crashland is this alien type, strange figures, that crash landed on earth and we are here to pick them up” says Reece.
Video by Anna Baker

Sat, Jul 28 2012