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Gaslight Anthem & The Boss in Asbury

Following up from his coverage of “REVOLUTIONS: The Album Cover Art of Shepard Fairey,” Lobo Jones (aka my brother, Eric Van’t Zelfden) strikes again capturing a very “Jersey” evening with none other than “The Boss!”

Last weekend Lobo hit Asbury Park, NJ to shoot “The Gaslight Anthem,” a band that is not only a personal favorite of mine but that is also gaining momentum as the punk rock band with blue collar roots and Springsteen-esque soul.

So you could imagine what a treat it was for Asbury locals to have Bruce Springsteen himself take the stage with the Gaslight boys for an all out jam of Gaslight’s song “American Slang.”
For those that couldn’t be there, myself included 🙁 , here are some shots of the evening. Be sure to check out more photos at LOBO JONES PHOTOGRAPHY or feel free to shoot an e-mail over to

And don’t forget to check out THE GASLIGHT ANTHEM and pick up their newest album “American Slang.”

-Kristin VZ

Sat, Dec 17 2011