This past Saturday, my wife got my lazy ass out of bed and wanted to do something productive. I normally like to sleep in, play with my pups and have a bud light or two or ten ha! So we decided to head over to LACMA and check out the exhibit. I guess I am a member now at LACMA, so we were lucky enough to be some of the firsts to have a look at this dudes crazy collection which actually comes from his home he calls ” Bleak House” . My wife is a fanatic with anything that has to do with monsters, werewolf’s, horror films and basically anything that will creep you the fuck out. I wasn’t too familiar with Guillermo, but I have seen a couple of his movies and wasn’t sure what to really expect heading into his show. Here’s a look into the wild mind of this dude and some of my personal favorites we’re original creepy drawings from 1500 – 1900. Its freaking and very interesting. Highly recommend checking it out!
Here’s a little more info about the exhibition:
Taking inspiration from del Toro’s extraordinary imagination, the exhibition reveals his creative process through his collection of paintings, drawings, maquettes, artifacts, and concept film art. Rather than a traditional chronology or filmography, the exhibition is organized thematically, beginning with visions of death and the afterlife; continuing through explorations of magic, occultism, horror, and monsters; and concluding with representations of innocence and redemption