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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

Hamburger Eyes “Cybernetics” Opening Reception

LOS ANGELES – Slow Culture Gallery presents Hamburger Eyes “CYBERNETICS.” A retrospective photography exhibition celebrating 15 years of independent publishing. On display will be 500+ photographs ranging from 8″ x 10″ to4’ x 6’, exclusively selected for this prolific show.


CYBERNETICS is the scientific study of control and communication in animals and in machines. It seeks to develop general theories of communication within complex systems, whether those systems be mechanical, physical, cognitive, biological or social. Cybernetics is a meta-theory that is relevant when what is being observed incorporates a closed-signaling loop, in other words, where action by the observed generates some change in its environment and that change is reflected in that system in some manner that triggers a change.

Friedrich von Schiller, wrote in “Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man, 1795”

The transition from a suffering state of sensuality towards an intellectual activity, will not happen except through a middle state of aesthetic freedom. … There is no other way to make the rational part of our mind sensible, without being illustrated in a previous state of aesthetic energy.

This is a common theme for Hamburger Eyes, exploring the relationship of human brains (neurological systems) and machinery (mechanical systems), namely cameras and laser copiers, to capture and store recordings.

50 + photographers will be exhibitng, including, but not limited to: John Oliver Hodges, Uri Korn, Brian David Stevens, Ray Potes, David Potes, Mark Murrmann, Megan Cullen, Michael Hernandez, Stefan Simikich, Ted Pushinsky, Dennis McGrath, Alex Martinez, Jai Tanju, Valerie Jocelyn Bower, Elmo Tide, Keith Sirchio, Oskie Mendoza, Andrea Sonnenberg, Michael Jang, Lele Saveri, Bill Daniel, David Uzzardi, Ben Gore, Daniel Arnold, Jesse Pollock, Kappy, Troy Holden, Luis Mendoza, Sean Maung, Jerry Hsu, KC Ortiz, Jason Jaworski, Ricky Adam, Ed Templeton, Deanna Templeton, Tobin Yelland, Bill Burke, and many many more.