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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

Human Sacrafices and Heavy Metal

Last Monday night Chris scored a couple tickets to see GWAR @ the House of Blues for their Electile Dysfunction tour. What an EPIC show that was. I haven’t seen GWAR since I was in college, but they still know how to rock a crowd. HOB doesn’t allow cameras (laaaaaaaaame), but luckily I’ve upgraded my life with a camera phone.

We had VIP status overlooking the blood cover crowd.

Sorry for the crap photos, but here’s a little taste of some of the mayhem that went down.