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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

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This femme photog has been shooting photos since she was a teen. Now at 25 – Adri is getting noticed for a lot more than her bangs, or her crop tops, or her love of Morrissey, or even her cute ass dog. We spoke with the LA native about how she became a photographer, her inspiration behind her shoot with OBEY, and what else we can expect to see from her in the near future.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

25 years old and born and raised in LA.

How did you get started in photography?

Picked up a camera at 16 and started shooting all the shows I was going to, haven’t looked back since.

What subjects are you most drawn to?

Boys.. The odd looking ones, the lanky ones, the shy ones, and the ones with striking eyes and amazing personal style. I think its interesting and not to mention, rare, for a female to implicate her perspective on menswear.

Favorite gear?

My Nikon FM2 with a 50mm 1.4 passed on to me from my father.

What feeling do you most try to convey with your photos?

I want you to want to be in that moment.

What was your inspiration behind your most recent shoot with OBEY?

I was interested in the idea of venturing off to a desolate and strange area and having the boys explore and wander.

How did you first get introduced to OBEY?

Working in a skate shop at 16, it was one of the brands I was most drawn to.

Does your photography aesthetic translate to your personal style at all?

I have a defined style in everything I do, from my photos to my own wardrobe. I think its pretty apparent when you look at myself and my work.

Where can we usually catch you on the weekends?

My bed, the gym, then on a ride.

Bands that are currently on repeat for you?

The new Best Coast album is fire…other than that, I’m kind of in love with George Ezra right now and a lot of Arctic Monkeys and Morrissey, always.

Any projects in the works you can share with us?

I’m in the process of moving into a creative space with a handful of friends, so many amazing projects to come !

Any plans for the Fall? Travel? Shows?

As much as I love to plan ahead I’ve only gotten as far as July at this point. I’ve been pretty busy with shoots and edits but I’ll be in New York for the second half of July, so I hope to be doing some fun things out there as well!

Portraits of Adri Law by Rick Rodney Photography
All other images courtesy of Adri Law
For more from Adri, Visit and Follow @adri_law