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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

Kyle Platts: London illustrator studio visit

Kyle Platts is a freelance artist and illustrator based in London. I spent the afternoon with Kyle at his home studio in Peckham. He is influenced by anthropology, hot rods, nature, bad skin and psychedelia (although he does not smoke weed). He mostly works with fine nib Rotring pens, but also enjoys using pencils, paint and computers (illustrator, photoshop and whatnot). I’ve been a fan of Kyle’s work for a while, I really enjoy his take on modern city life, through humor and in the medium of comics.

Kyle Platts: London illustrator studio visit 

Kyle Platts: London illustrator studio visit

Kyle Platts: London illustrator studio visit

Kyle Platts: London illustrator studio visit

Kyle has been commissioned by many companies for his engaging imagery and story telling. Just a few of the clientele include: Converse, The New York Times, MTV, Lazy Oaf and many more. Kyle’s comics have always made me literally laugh out loud, for example the image below ‘I’m Smoking For Two Now’. I loved looking through Kyle’s sketchbooks when I visited his studio, it was exciting to see the work process. Photos of Kyle’s sketchbooks are featured below.

Kyle Platts: London illustrator studio visit


Thanks for having me man! visit Kyle’s website for more work: