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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

Living for live music: Seven days of soul jiving

Nothing awakens my soul from the slumber of the daily grind like the energy that surrounds you at a live show, and a week after seven days of show creepin’ around Southern California my soul is still pretty high on life. Here’s a excerpt from my diary entry…

DAY 1 : Sunday Jams Social with Sister Crowley, Freemans Dead, The Originalites and Mechachief at Harvelles Underground

Freemans Dead (left) – they have a band member who strictly plays air instruments… and The Originalites (right) – A kick ass combo of psych, reggae and punk rock seasoned with a sax…cant go wrong

DAY 2 : Purple Mountains Majesties, Creatures Choir and The Abigails at the Del Monte Speakeasy

Purple Mountains Majesties (left) and Creatures Choir (right) – An explosion to all senses both bands are full of a variety of sound thats curated for a good time

DAY 3 : Timber Timbre at the Regent Theater

I’m still having hot dreams about this show…

DAY 4 : Road to Psycho at Pappy and Harriets

Road to Psycho event poster (left) – for the shows played on the road to Psycho California. Road to Psycho Bands (right) – Hung with the dudes from Electric Citizen, rad guys but didn’t get a photo due to the amount of fun being had so this one they grabbed from their experience

DAY 5 : Joshua Tree Music Festival

The Last Internationale (left) – The photo says it all…this band rocks. Madhouse Babes (right)- Feeling inspired by all the music the Madhouse Babes started our own band, keep your eyes out for The Swindle Sisters

DAY 6 : Dead Sara at Fingerprints Record Shop

Teresa turned me on to this band so we went together to check them out a couple of nights after their sold out show at the Troubador. Their acoustic set was nothing short of magical…they killed it and I can’t wait to see them plugged in

DAY 7 : Purple Mountains Majesties, Aaron Embry and Town in the City at Del Monte Speakeasy

Aaron Embry (left) – Couldn’t have closed out my seven day music binge any better than with the insanely beautiful serenade of Raven Song. Ryan Wagner of Purple Mountains Majesties (right) – putting out the swanky speakeasy vibes

Til’ next time…

