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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

M.A. Leeflang

It was around the end of the 90’s and they were playing Slayer’s ‘Angel Of Death’ when my friend got into a fight with a stranger on the dance-floor. Just another Saturday night out with the boys at a metal-club in Delft, The Netherlands. It did not look good and I got dragged into it as well, I think everybody got kicked out at one point and all we needed was another drink. Outside there was this guy some of my friends knew and he invited us over to his place to chill out a bit again. We had a beer, listened to some music and headed home.

Around this period people started to organise more and more DIY punk-shows around the area where we lived. And I started to bump into him on a more regular basis. We would buy each other beers and I learned that he had a fantastic SST collection. When I told him that I had hard luck finding a vinyl copy of Black Flag’s ‘Loose Nut’ he gave me one a week later.

He started a band with some friends of mine called ‘Döminatör’ in which he plays bass. The “idea” behind this band was to play late 90’s Belgian metal-drenched hardcore and mix it with typical Sunset Strip hair metal antics. I’m not sure if they’ve succeeded but the band was always a pleasure to witness live. And their fantastic road-stories will remain forever.

Later he also started one of my favorite punk-bands called ‘Adolf Butler’ and they play sludgy noise-punk influenced by Flipper, Brainbombs et all w/ loud nihilistic live-shows that people would either love or hate.

Through the years I’ve got to know him better and better, had lots of beers together, visited many shows and started this ‘closed-wallet-private-record-club. A great concept which helped me discover many many killer black metal/punk/wave records.

I’d been messing with electronic music myself for years, making field recordings, cutting up recordings and than release it on cd-r’s and cassette tapes. I named my label ‘Fort Grofusch’.

M.A. Leeflang surprised me one day by telling me that he’d been doing some recording himself as well. He told me that his project was called ‘Monocorpse’ and that it was voodoo inspired electronics.

I was surprised to say the least. What I heard were these extremely minimal, raw and primitive electronic sounds, ritual and occult in orientation and mood. This might not be the most original approach in the genre but Monocorpse sounded urgent and there simply wasn’t another possible direction for this project.

We did a little Monocorpse demo cd-r release on my ‘Fort Grofusch’ label but it didn’t take long for freaks to take notice. He got signed to Gooiland Elektro and they’ve released the Monocorpse 12” called Ceremonie Caille. There’s also a Monocorpse track featured on the upcoming “Noblesse Oblige” compilation through Gooiland Elektro. He has played some kool live-shows with Monocorpse and I’m excited to see where he will be heading with the project.

More recently he also joined a new heavy post-goth band called HOLY, their first liveshows were killer. Catch them live in the Netherlands anytime soon.

And finally he’s also involved in a new project called ‘Victim in Spain’ together with members of Looking For Beer, The Local Spastics, Adolf Butler, Fags From Darmstadt, Act Of Ignorance and Richie Dagger.

Adolf Butler’s annual live show 2016 is sunday March 20th at Roodkapje in Rotterdam together with Berlin’s Diät.