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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料



OBEY Artist Series: Minka Sicklinger from OBEY CLOTHING on Vimeo.


Minka Sicklinger is a BOSS.

(shown above wearing her Reaper Tee)

She has a ridiculous collection of exotic furs, which she wears regularly. Dead animals are kind of her thing; mounted or wearable. Not to mention an antique collection of various obsessions that her past life as a treasure hunting pirate gave her the skills to procure from her many adventures around the globe. To earn a living she alternately stabs people with needles, or creates magic with ink and paper.

(shown above wearing her Eye Mandala Tank)

She adorns herself with comstock worthy amounts of silver jewelry, and wears so many rings it puts mexican border-town pimps to shame. Most of the clothing she wears is antique, and was originally made for child brides in the tribal regions of several central eurasian countries. Both the present and reality hold very little interest for her, she prefers to live in a fantasy world based fleetingly on the gilded age, in which people have manners and craft still counts for something, and things are never quite as they seem. Her spirit animals are multiple, including wolves, crows, foxes and last but not least a jackalope. Minka and her menagerie can be found most days either at East Side Ink or hunched over her drawing table in her adoptive home of NYC, unless she has gone treasure hunting…then she may be gone for a while….

(shown above wearing her Medusa Crewneck)


Some of her favorite, or she might say “favourite” spots and activities are:

walking over the Williamsburg bridge

people watching on the subway

eating at Lil Frankies

treasure hunting at flea markets

going to art openings/galleries

walking around at strange hours

(shown above wearing her Reaper Crewneck)

(shown above wearing her Eye Mandala 2 Crewneck)

Photos Courtesy of: Bobby Stackleather

Keep an eye on the site for the launch of her Artist Series collection launching this week ! ! !

To see more of her work visit and make sure to follow her here @minkasicklinger
