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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

Natural Jewels

Freckles. Photographer Reto Caduff has always had an affinity for them — even dated a few freckle-faced girls — and noticed how the spots would often get covered up with make up or be retouched in post-production. Caduff decided to react and “celebrate freckles instead of erasing them”. He started shooting girls covered in the beauty marks that “make a face unique” and found that the models posing for him were excited about showing off their natural faces. Most of the girls shared similar stories with Caduff of how they were made fun of at school and had to learn to love their freckles. “I think for girls it must be especially hard since there is so much pressure as to what is beautiful and what not” the photographer tells me but “there are a few models who really are proud of them now.” As they should be. Some of my closest girl friends have freckles, one of which was photographed for this very book and I agree with Reto: Freckles really are beautiful!

Reto Caduff is a multi disciplinary artist who has successfully dabbled in areas ranging from graphic design and typography over journalism and radio to film making and photography. But first and foremost he is a story teller. Over the past two years he shot about 100 girls, half of which made it into the resulting coffee-table book entitled “FRECKLES”, a beautiful collection of black and white portraits. It is a labor of love, financed and produced by the photographer himself. It is available at selected photo book stores as well as through as a numbered edition of 500.


I say: get a copy while they last..
