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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

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I found out that Obey were celebrating 25 years !! and I said 25 years of Obey! That should be celebrated !! So ,without losing a minute I called Willy our man in Paris, Willy is the owner of a nice multidisciplinary space called Les Ateliers where you can see on the same day a group of music playing,the exhibition of an artist, eat a great pizza , drink a special beer,take a good italian coffee,watch the capsule of an interesting brand, and besides all that ,it is a showroom where Willy works regulary….Willy loved the idea and it took us four weeks to organize the event and we were well motivated.

I got in touch with Aurelien aka KM3 (we meet on the Basque coast mixing some discs together with GREMS ) and invited him to participate in the event to wich he answered quickly Yes I’m hot !Yeah !we had the main ingredients ,Paris,Les Ateliers,KM3,,a special capsule by Obey for the ocasion ,meanwhile another good collaboration came with Glenn E Friedman & Shepard to the store , agood friend and client of Willy’s, a art collector who has a large collection of Shep’s works. His name is Eric Gros ,and he putt gently his collection at our disposal.

What else could I ask for?

The Greendog Team (Juan,Nico and myself)got down to work and went there with one goal TO ENJOY IT !! And that’s what we did.The event could not miss artist,musicians, Tv’s Stars,press,fun people who were enjoying for six hours ,where they danced,drank,there even was an pizza artisan.

KM3 smiles and told me ” hey Fede get to work an putt some nice records ! ” he also wanted to enjoy the atmosphere so once again the old Greendog putt people to dance and enjoy ,from there to the end and back Aurelien to the plates was simply fun.Many bloggers,photographers were following us curious and asking questions,it was a special moment and we really enjoyed it !.


Les 25 Ans d’OBEY !! ÇA SE FÊTE!!

Later on with Juan and Nico we got lost in the Parisian nigth until late….but that’s another story…

Photography by : Mathieu Claudon & Federico Sanchez

Wed, Dec 24 2014