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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料


“I’m proud to announce the upcoming release of Ravi Amar Zupa’s “Love Thy Enemy” letterpress and his guest artist series for OBEY Clothing. Ravi Zupa is a rare find as an artist, with an astounding command of a broad range of techniques and aesthetics. Ravi demonstrates mastery in a renaissance painting style, collage, printmaking, and drawing. The rich fusion of techniques in his work could be presumed to be appropriation, but it is not… all of the elements are rendered by Ravi.

I love Ravi’s art, but Ravi and I also have several shared interests in D.I.Y. culture, printmaking, propaganda art, and social justice. For the Obey Clothing collaboration, Ravi addressed environmental destruction and the power of communication over violence. Along with the concepts of the art, I think the process Ravi used to create these art pieces is amazing: he cuts the art out of a traffic cone like a linoleum cut and uses the cone as his plate. Ravi is a true craftsman and a unique talent. I urge everyone to check this video (link below) demonstrating Ravi’s process. I’m honored to collaborate with Ravi for his talent and his philosophies.” – Shepard

To coincide with the release of artist Ravi Zupa’s latest letterpress, “Love Thy Enemy” releasing on, Obey Clothing is releasing a collection of tees for this season’s #OBEYArtistSeries. You can shop the collection and buy the letterpress print Tuesday, October 24 on

Shop the OBEY Artist Series Feat. Ravi Zupa Collection here.