OBEY in KOREA. Shepard was one of the seven artists included in “The Great Graffiti“, a new show put on by the Seoul Art Center (SAC). In addition to displaying some of Shepard’s work, SAC also put up some dope installations around their compound. See more pictures of the gallery and the installations below. Thanks to everyone who made this project possible and shout out to our OBEY Family in Korea. The posse is worldwide!
Photos by Kinam Kim.
A note from SAC about the show:
Seoul Art Center and Minoa Art Asset present <The Great Graffiti>, the graffiti museum show in Korea at Seoul Calligraphy Art Museum. Since Pop art movement began in the 1960s, graffiti has been settled down as a representative art genre to document contemporary life. The exhibition provides a great chance to meet exceptional graffiti works by world famous artists.
Graffiti, started from Vandalism (destroying art works or cultural heritage), is now playing an important role is the field of contemporary art. Graffiti exhibitions have been taken place at many famous museums and galleries including Le musee du Louvre and Centre Georges-Pompidou in Paris, Tate Modern in London, The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New-York, and Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam.
<The Great Graffiti> had invited seven artists from USA, UK, and France, who will show the history, present and future of graffiti. They also will present various events such as live painting.

Fri, Dec 30 2016