After almost three weeks of planes, trains and all kinds of crazy automobiles, the tour of Europe was coming to an end. I met a lot of great people and saw some beautiful things along the way. Traveling with Shepard and the crew is always awesome and I’m honored and fortunate to be apart of the team ( World traveling buddies )
Shepard and the crew have been in Malaga before almost 2 years ago – Nov 2013 to be exact ( refresh your memory by clicking on these – 1,2,3 ) I wish we had more time this round, as it being summer time in the mediterranean. Crowded Beaches, cold beers and not bad people to look at, except a few flake jacks on the topless beach hahah, sorry had to say it. I would defeitntly live here, as I am kind of a beach bum and you can never go wrong there.
Getting back to it, here’s a look at the pre / opening at the CAC MALAGA and closing of a very long and draining trip. Enjoy and until next time!
Press conference and even the Mayor of Malaga came by to meet Shepard and DFace
A look at the Gallery before the wildness
Dface’s section
Some lunch on the beach before the big night, with all of the crew and everyone from the CAC. Not too shabby
After soaking up the sun and barely awake, it was time for the Opening.
On to the party
Shep, Amanda, Fer ( Director of CAC ) and the Mayor
My man Sega
My selfie with the crew.
Dface, Shep, Chaz, Amanda
After feeling great the next morning, we all took a nice 5 mile hike around Malaga and became tourist for a day.
OBEY FRANCE – Fede with a crazy dude.
Being a tourist didn’t last long. One last stencil before heading out for Dface’s birthday and finally the end of the tunnel.
Birthday boy and his wings.
The End!
– Furlong
Tue, Jun 30 2015