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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

OBEY F.C. Amsterdam

When we got in the OBEY F.C. Jerseys and the sun was shining outside me and some other members of the official OBEY F.C. Amsterdam team couldn’t help ourselves to go out and play a little football (yes yanks football, the real football). So we played a game of ‘tienen’, which is an awesome game played in Dutch street football. In the end the guy that loses has to bend over in front of the goal and the rest all gets one chance to shoot the ball right at the loser’s keister. Unfortunately we were not allowed to post any photos due to the victim’s embarrassment of his tears.

Photos by Harry Brieffies