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OBEY: If someone tells you to jump off a cliff

Being a life-long supporter of participating in any activity that could be described as blurring line between idiotic and adventurous, it’s no wonder I crossed paths with the guru of cliff jumping- the Throb of Los Angeles Swimmin. Back in 2011 I joined in on one of his epic day trips he cleverly refers to as The Swimmining. It was a culmination of random dirtbags, stoners, hippies and heshers- all of whom randomly magnetized to this gathering purely for the sake of having a radical time. Many were complete strangers to one another. Come one, come all, to all yee non-kooks! Bring your own beer and if you die- it’s your fault. So of course I was immediately sporting a “fuck yes” attitude from the start. I’ve been following his exploits ever since, & hope to converge our efforts in being goodtimesmen again soon.

Throb has been passionately trotting swimmin holes not just in Southern California, but all over the globe seeking out nature’s bounty of good soak n’ pokes (he’s a hot spring enthusiast as well, but aren’t we all?) and death defying leaps into some of the most beautiful wet spots around. The best part about him and his all-time adventure factor life mission is that he SHARES everything he does. From the open invites to the Swimminings, to the detailed directions in his blog posts to get to these epic spots. He’s as unselfish as it gets when it comes to spreading the love of cliff jumping. Do yourself a favor and get into his shit.

Recently, he and a large group of lucky-ass folks did an epic trip to the holy grail of cliff jumping, Havasupai. I highly recommend you kick off your weekend vibes by watching this video- cuz spring and summer are comin’ y’all! (you are welcome for not posting this on a Tuesday so you don’t have to watch from your desk in white hot envy) Happy weekend!

Go do something marginally dumb.



 An extra note, Throb digs this stuff of ours…. and I couldn’t agree more on his picks for some rad looks on your summer adventures.

Havana Street Trunk

Cold Beer Tank

