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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料


Shepard and the crew hit Charleston, South Carolina two weeks ago to set up for his show at the Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art, along side works from Jasper Johns. The opening is this Thursday May 22nd.

I rolled into town last Thursday and the dudes have been busy. I’ll be posting multiple blogs in the next few days, since there is just too much to cover. For now, heres a look at the trip so far.

Of course, the first day I get in and its raining. Shot of the first mural that was done at College Lodge.

The next day Shep had a Q&A over at the Charleston Music Hall. The place was packed.

After the talk we went over to a local bar and they all love Shep.

Next spot to hit was on the roof of the Francis Marion Hotel where Shep put up the largest Icon he has ever done.

Im not going to lie, I thought I was going to die being up on this scaffolding 12 story’s up and an additional 50 feet after that.

The view from the bottom.

Thats it for today. Stay tuned for more posts on everything going down in Charleston