Myself, Shepard and the OBEY GIANT crew jump on the jet and now are in Paris. I’m going to get right to it and attempt to be somewhat of a photo journalist and post up our travel as it goes. I haven’t really slept in 34 hours, so please bare with my verbiage. The last time I was in Paris was with Shepard in 2009 and it was two days of non stop action and barely remember it, but luckily I have all my photos to act as my memory.
We arrived yesterday, which I think was the 14th and this is going to be a lengthly trip. Shepard is having his solo show EARTH CRISIS at Galerie Itinerrance opening on the 24th of June. Besides that massive show we’ll be working on three large murals and trekking around the city like madmen. As many people may have seen on the news or shit the social media, Paris has been a hot spot for all kinds of things * good and bad. That being said, I’m going to give you an inside look of our time in Paris. Enjoy and stay tuned for more!
Before clicking into the gallery I’ll try and narate some of the trip so far.
Touch down in Paris. I always enjoy airport photos – everyone and everything is on the move.
Checking the scene before heading to the gallery
some space invader
Quick behind the scenes look at the gallery opening on June 24th
We swung by Galerie Itinerrance other space to check out the two books that are being published in correlation of the show.
while we were there, this awesome artist – MAYE exhibition was up. His work is pretty unreal.
Hopefully your not bored, but here’s a look of Paris through my eyes so far and some of the mural locations which we’ll be starting soon. Enjoy.
Mural from 2012 still looking sexy
This walk through one part of the city was interesting to say the least. I guess we just missed the protest.
This was my favorite. From what our dudes told us it says ” Photographer, stop taking photos of the broken glass and capture the protest ”
And this one all I know is about nuggets. ahha
To wind it up, I can’t give out the name or the location, but we have one of the best dinners / time ever in a hidden bunker eating one of the best meals. Thank you guys so much.
More to come.
-Furlong OUT!

Wed, Jun 15 2016