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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

OBEY Radio Asia 2015

Dates and Location

June 12th (Independence Day) – Manila, Philippines @ B L A C K M A R K E T

June 13th – Boracay, Philippines @ A R E A 5 1

June 19th – Bangkok, Thailand @ L I V E , R C A

June 20th – Saigon, Vietnam @ T H E O B S E R V A T O R Y

June 25th – Hong Kong w/ B O O M M A G A Z I N E & 8 F I V E 2

June 26th – Shanghai, China @ A R K H A M


The OBEY Radio Asia Tour 2015 kicks off this week, reconnecting fiends of all sorts to our music, as well as getting a bit of R&R in between. It’s been a minute since I wrote on this here blog, and I feel great about the new and nostalgic stuff we’ll be posting for next few weeks. I really miss you all! Thank you in advance to everybody that made this tour possible – Pube$, Black Market Manila, Guillaume @ Preduce, Jase @ Beat Saigon, Brian @ 8five2 HK, and Tom @ Yeti Shanghai…

Free The Robots and ROAM Elsewhere will be the left field selectors every night, with supporting local talent to peel your wig back and possibly throw your panties to the side. For those that need a bit of a crash course on what OBEY Radio is and the noise we represent, enjoy the soundclound do-hickey thing-a-ma-jig below…


Vibe with us…