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Chris Norwood fka Repeated Measures aka Mu. Long Beach CA, native. Grn and Gld member, Mu. has always been the mysterious type and his music is a balance chaos journey through deep space. Chris spent some time in Japan to work on his craft. "While living in Japan, with my friend Velvetian Sky from France while he was living over seas here in LA. We polished it up when I moved back home, dropped it, and then he went back to Marseille to run @fadarecords. The permanent account just sold out, but the digi LP will be available for as long as the net lives..." After that he released Gajin Smash, Wake, Icy Negus and now gearing up for his forthcoming album with Dark Magnet records. Stay tuned for the release date but for now. Enjoy this Hour Mix by Mu.

Mon, Jul 08 2019