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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

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For Holiday 2013 we collaborated with the legendary band Suicidal Tendencies. This year marks the 30th anniversary of their first record and we wanted to put something together that reflected the influence Suicidal has had on Shepard and OBEY. (Make sure to read the text below from Shep on his introduction to the band and how it influenced him). We worked with Mike Muir, the founder of Suicidal Tendencies as well as two of the original artists responsible for the art behind the band. We used Ric Clayton’s work from Possessed To Skate and the original drawings from skateboarder Lance Mountain. The key for us was to pay respect to the original work but put an OBEY twist to them, showing the heritage and legacy that the band and artists have created.

Officially launches tomorrow, stayed tuned for more including a video behind the project and a contest to win a Suicidal Tendencies skateboard signed by Mike Muir, Lance Mountain and Shepard.

also got some goods for you ladies

Tue, Oct 01 2013