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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料


Last night the posse headed over to Open House Creative in Costa Mesa, CA for a traditional monotype print making session. Open House Creative is a collective focused on providing a place where adults and kids; novices and masters can come together and participate in various workshops from illustration & painting, to ceramics and a wide gamut of other artistic creation. It just so happens that our Visual Marketing guru’s wife is also the studio director there – huge thanks to Michele Lujan for inviting us degenerates over to crash your space! You can check out all the workshops they offer and sign up here.

This large printing press was our workhorse for the night

Finger painting and color theory

‘Deadly Cool’ with Otis Carey & Jamie Browne currently on display in their gallery

Artist, Danny Schutt showing us novices how it’s done.

Not a bad way to spend a Wednesday night, tapping into some right brain activities for the sake of pure creation and spontaneity.

Brent & Aaron wrapping up some graphics for the next catalog (just playin… or am i?)

A couple more sessions and a couple more puffs and I think I might actually make something good enough to wrap up for Mother’s Day.