Attention all V-dubbers, have we got a treat for you…Dubkorps! A friend of the Obey family, Dubkorps is your go-to-guide for the Volkswagen/Audi lifestyle. This is not your typical fan-fare. Fueled by kustom graphics and original gear, DK (as the hip kids call it) is the essential hub for true enthusiasts…all wrapped up in a sweet regime-themed package. Here are a few sneak peaks from the site, but seeing is
believing, check out Jump on the interactive forum, its free and fun for everyone!
(Hint: drop a post and get some free swag.) Or shoot them an e-mail and let em know wats up:
Long live the VW-Audi Regime!
New arrivals… and a personal favorite:)
Payin’ homage to the man himself, Ivan Hirst, the infamous Brit responsible for Volkswagen’s post-war reconstruction.
Steezed packaging… free with purchase
Don’t hate! They love the ladies too.
Etch-a-dub [Airstrike Bus tee: $19.95. Get yours now @]
For the serious gear-heads out there looking for extra credit, check out, Dubkorps’ partner wheel company.
Thu, Sep 10 2009