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A few weeks ago I attended the opening gallery show of “RYCA” at Dax Gallery. I recently had the privilege of asking him a few questions, enjoy.

A: Where did you grow up? Where are your favorite places to visit around the world?
R: I grew up in east London, England. My favourite places are cities, I love New York, Tokyo, Berlin, Barcelona, Chicago, LA and most recently visited Las Vegas.

A: What drink do you order at the bar?
R: Either Brandy or Craft Ale

A: What Artists/songs are you listening to currently while creating art?
R: I listen to a broad spectrum of music. mostly have BBC 6 music (digital station). I love UK dance music and im a failed DJ with like 5000 12″ records- drum and bass and dubstep, old skool hardcore and grime. its not EDM to us 😉

A: What is your favorite medium to produce art?
R: “poptorian” a term i invented to summarise with my new symbolic and Lyric pieces. It derives from Victorian signage (reverse painted glass with metallic sunken relief) and I use popular modern culture as a reference point.

A: What do you think of the internet generation and technology?
R: Its exciting to be an Artist with the internet as a tool. fans, buyer and haters can all express thoughts on your work. Research is so much easier and inspiration is refreshed by the minute. it can also accelerate a career and ive seen artists “burn out” in a few years, on the flip side it can help elevate your career.

A: Define your work in three words
R: Quality and Quantity

A: Your song lyric pieces were large and perfect, how difficult was it to create the pieces (time, difficulties along the way etc.) and why did you choose those specific hooks? (Wu-tang, Kendrick, Cypress Hill etc.) *By the way those lyrics hit straight to home being here in California.
R: They are difficult as its a combination of techniques and skilful processes . I try to select hooks or lines from songs that can live outside of the music. a sentiment that someone can relate too or understand without being aware of the source. C.R.E.A.M for example is loved by hip hop fans and I sold quite a few to people working in Banking who had no idea of Wu-Tang.

A: What advice do you have for the youth trying to break in to international galleries?
R: Its important to stand out. originality can be as simple as the subverting a subject or a process.
Perseverance and Patience are key skills today, the internet makes everything immediate, it can be hugely frustrating.

– Stay Trippy

Mon, Jun 29 2015