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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

T-SHIRT: CULT – CULTURE – SUBVERSION at The Fashion and Textile Museum

I went to the private view of the Tshirt, Cult – Culture – Subversion exhibition at the Fashion and Textile Museum in London. It was so exciting to see the private collection of Vivienne Westwood’s shirts and to see the original designs of some of my favourite artists including Keith Haring, John and Molly Dove, Barbara Kruger, and many many more. I have posted a detailed explanation of the show from the website below. Please check out the gallery of photos and the video of the private view.

“Explore the T-shirt in the 20th Century through this inspirational exhibition; charting the history, culture and subversion of the most affordable and popular item of clothing on the planet. T-SHIRT: CULT – CULTURE – SUBVERSION highlights the multi-faceted role of this humble garment. From men’s underclothes to symbol of rock and roll rebellion, through punk and politics to luxury fashion item, T-shirts broadcast who we are and who we want to be.

The exhibition will feature a private collection of Vivienne Westwood t-shirts from the early days of Let it Rock, Sex, and Seditionaries, through to the designers most recent collections, Active Resistance to Propaganda and Climate Revolution. This group of rare objects will form a central installation of the exhibition, accompanied by an introduction to the historical biography of the T-shirt and an insight into its technological advances, mapped through sections focusing on contemporary design.”

I’d recommend going to this exhibition if you’re in London, a piece of street wear history.


Photos and video by Ollie Murphy.