First off, lemme thank all people that took the time to hang out with all of us while we were up in bay for the weekend. Lot’s of positive irie vibes in SF, as usual, and well, we love each and every one of you. We’ll be back…
A huge announcement for this weekend. Here at OBEY Radio, we try to hand select the top of the top. Well, this week is another one… and instead of just Friday, we’ve also included Saturday for good measure.
THIS Friday, we have the illustrious Alpha Pup records showcase featuring a live set by THE GLITCH MOB, with all four members including edIT, Ooah, Boreta & Kraddy. Our friend, Daddy Kev, who really made this show happen will be representing as well. FUTURE MUSIC FOREVER!!!
And Saturday, we’re proud to have native New Yorker CRAZY LEGS of the legendary Rock Steady Crew to help us turn it out. No introduction necessary… you’ve seen him in all your favorite Hip Hop Movies, and now he’s behind the decks make you dance.
Thanks for listening… soooooooooo, SF. What a crazy time for all of us. Having an artshow in one of the most inspiring cities in the world is really refreshing. Not only do you get to meet amazing people who happen to be amazing artists, you get to figure things out for yourself to take home and use constructively. Again, as blu jemz says… “strictly positive irie vibes” were all over the city… here’s a recap of the weekend!
Before the OBEY Opening.. we stopped by our buddy, Andrew Jeffrey Wright’s little diddy down the street
And the main event…
thanks everybody! see you soon!!!
Tue, Sep 16 2008