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The Open Road Finale

8th stop – Vienna, Austria

Had an amazing dinner at “Holy Moly”, then played at “Badeschif”, a rad venue on a boat on the Danube river.

9th stop – Innsbruck, Austria

Final stop on the tour. Got to see a vinyl postcard printed right before my eyes at the “Postmanslove” head quarters by the one and only Kenneth Winkler. I was also able to pick up my copies of the Glen Porter vinyl postcard release, “Planet Munderscore”, which I did with Donald Horne from Los Mysteriosos.

Got to play a very special event at an amazing theatre called, Cinematograph, for one of the few shows they throw there a year. Best show of the tour for me, the venue and crowd were amazing!!

Until next time, goodbye and goodnight to all the mutante picantes out there.

-Glen Porter

Thu, Apr 11 2013