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The Open Road and the Smell of Blood Pt. 3

6th stop – Zurich, Switzerland

Got to do some record digging in zurich at 16 ton vintage and record store, picked up some really nice dinner Bossa Nova.

Had an interview backstage with GDS.FM before the show and got the second installment of the tour tattoo done by Olaf Van Danen finished just in time for my set.

Sticker love for The Crosby and The Grilled Cheese Spot family back home.

7th stop – Bern, Switzerland

“Rossli”, what an amazing place, an old horse training site and more recently a massive squat, and now a fantastic vunue, smack in the middle of Bern. By far the best sound system of the tour.

Got to meet up with MIch from Luana records and got some very nice gifts, including a linocut version of the tour poster.

Stay tuned for the final leg of the tour!
-Glen Porter

Wed, Apr 03 2013