My buddies from PLAGUE VENDOR played the Ink-N-Iron festival last weekend at the Queen Mary. Tattooing, car shows, cabaret, art, and a lot of live music..”these are a few of my favorite things”.. from Dead Kennedys and Bad Brains to Wanda Jackson to IGGY & THE STOOGES. I was in Sin City, but they sent me over a few shots from the day. These dudes put on a pretty wild set with lyrics and Mick Jagger-esque moves to match, playing some Hip Surf Punk Rock Voodoo Blues Hop. Wowza.
Reppin’ the fellow curly long haired people out there.
I was lucky to see Iggy last summer at the OFF Fest in Poland, and from the looks of it he showed Long Beach the same nostalgic raw power and shake appeal as me and the Poles.
FYI: Plague Vendor’s playing the 20th & 21st of next month at Alex’s bar & Unit B Studio. Later, Skater.
Wed, Jun 12 2013