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The Shrine in Japan PART IV

Kanazawa and Gunma were nuts.

IMG_1020Japan really has their dining methods down pat, and this shoes-off seafood restaurant in Kanazawa was no exception.

Their style of menu was truly unique.

Dude with the killer dreads also had a killer vest.

Jeff + pants = ecstasy.

Killer dreads, pt. II.

Gunma merch crew strong.

Paul (Tsuyoshi’s alter ego) of Blackpot holding down the low end for his crazed fans.

Boys layin’ down their souls to the gods rock & roll.

Paul forever, pt. II.

Ibaraki/Felem Town tonight, Yokohama tomorrow, and home on Tuesday. As always, it’s been a complete whirlwind and I can’t believe it’s almost over.




Sat, Aug 22 2015