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  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

  • 11,000円以上のご購入で送料無料

the wild west

It’s been a long time since I’ve ventured into the depths of my own country. This time I had the honor, and pleasure to rock with my dudes Opio (Souls of Mischief/ Hieroglyphics), DJ Scientific and AaGee. Opio and I just recently started working on some new sounds. Listen to one of our first experiments, “Blow sum Smoke,” and stay tuned for more..

Nerds of the round table… or square table… or whatever the venue has available

Travel Tip #1: When traveling in a group, always check the 1 night AirBnb deals, where you’ll find pads like this, that are cheaper than hotel rooms, and come with a bottle of champagne.. #PinkyUp begins..

Hippy time at the edge of the earth, also known as ‘Fuzzy Bambi land..’

Delicious captures by Ari Berger (Domoarifoto)

This is how we chill from 3:30 till…. soundcheck. Much love to Adrian Younge for hosting us, and blessing us with all sorts of previews. Seriously.. stay tuned for the new Souls of Mischief album, as well as anything this guy touches.

Computer Club at the Low End Theory (Los Angeles)

Back in the bay.. Ran into Teebs again for a pre-show pinky up at Union Square.. Tour(ists)

Teebs on before Jon Hopkins… hoppin on one foot playing his 404 with pinkys only at the Mezzanine (SF)

Big shout out to Polaroid Jay ( for always capturing Bay Area galavanting.

Such a great night in SF for the finale of the tour… Teebs, Devonwho, Shorty McGee, The Whooligan, Mr. Carmack, CitzenTen, Mophono… a whole lot of homies in the building.

Pinkys been up all night.. captured by DomoArifoto

the Adventures the Computer Club commences for now.. but its not over. Stay tuned for more and more music. See you again soon!

Homeward bound.. I’m “that guy..” carrying an original Micro Moog through the TSA. Biiig thanks to my bro AaGee for the tour gift!

I knew I had to come back home for something. Thankfully I got home right in time to write the line-up for the OBEY stage, and send it out to the artists. Big shouts to Moonblock Party, Phil, Ryan, all the bands, DJs, vendors, mutants, and the people for making the first Downtown Santa Ana Block Party happen. lets do it again next year!

No sleep… You can see what all happened on—–>> THC_J’s blog section ***I think Phil took this picture..

Great times on the streets! Joe Kay closing out the evening with new selections from Soulection

Then of course there’s the itis, after party at The North Left…. *Phil took this picture btw… no small claims court! Good Night 🙂