Over this lovely Memorial Day weekend I headed out to Hollyweird and checked out the Bassrush VS Circus show. I’m not the biggest fan of Dub Step but I was impressed by these guys. The venue was packed and the entire crowd was going wild right from the start which was rad. There was some big name talent in the Pallidium on sunday, but the man of the night was Flux Pavilion whose song “I can’t stop” was sampled by big dogs Kanye West and Jay-Z’s song “Who gonna stop me” off their joint album Watch The Throne. Peep the photos from the night below!

Funtcase bringing the creepy with his tape maskFuntcase

Doctor P showing some Space Invader love
Ladies love Dub Step
Full house

The man of the night, Flux Pavilion.

Flux blew the roof right off the venue.

One last of for the guys.
– Stay Doomed.