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The month of January was an adjustment for some. I took it as a reminder to keep my resolution and attend numerous shows on a weekly basis. Here are some moments I caught the passed few nights.

Lights pierced through pupils when I caught SBCR of BloodyBeetroots live at Create in L.A.


“TwoFresh” an identical twin duo, shook the Constellation room a the Observatory OC

Mr. Carmack played his entire set sitting calm at the Observatory OC

Numerous bands brought the mood at LAABF

I caught Legendary Dj Rhettmatic of the Beat Junkies crew spinning at the LINE hotel, alongside DJ J-Rocc

FVSF opened up for Hoodboi & Falcons, during a packed house at the Wayfarer in Costa Mesa

HOODBOOI x FALCONS provided the sound to a crowd of grinding jaws

– Keep your ears open

Wed, Feb 04 2015